Removable appliances are used in the treatment of irregularities of teeth and jaws in children, usually from the moment of emergence of the first permanent tooth to the completion of permanent dentition (emergence of all permanent teeth). The time to start the therapy with these appliances is individual.

No matter whether it is teeth and jaw size mismatch, premature loss of lateral decidous teeth or a combination of these, timely preventive control and early therapy are very important. Movable appliances can also be used as a preparation for later therapy with fixed appliances.

With the completion of permanent dentition or the emergence of all permanent teeth, removable orthodontic appliances are no longer sufficient technique for accurate and stable therapy results.

Pokretni pločasti aparati


Functional appliances

Functional appliances are  type of removable orthodontic appliances that correct bite irregularities by transferring the strength of muscles, tongue, lips and cheeks to the teeth. They are used in the patients who need to further stimulate their jaw growth into the desired direction. They are ideal for a period of intense growth. Therapy also achieves the harmony both of the profile and face of the child.

Funkcionalni aparati
Funkcionalni aparati


Miofunctional appliances

They are made of resilient material (silicone) and are readily accepted by children. They are ideal for eliminating bad habits (mouth breathing, tongue pushing, finger sucking, etc.), thus preventing the cause of orthodontic problems. They may also have a slight effect on irregularities in the bite and position of the teeth in milky and early mixed dentition.



Extraoral appliances

Extraoral appliances have strongholds on the head or neck and are placed in the elements of fixed appliances in order to achieve proper force required for moving and/or stabilizing the teeth. They are used in the correction of irregular bone growth of the upper or lower jaw (skeletal anomalies). Most commonly used are : J-Hook, Headgear appliances and Delair mask. Extraoral appliances are generally only worn at home.


Invisalign-providne folije za ispravljanje zuba

Providne folije (Invisalign) sistem je koji koristi seriju tankih providnih folija, precizno izrađenih, gde svaka sledeća postepeno dovodi zube u željenu poziciju. Na ovaj način najčešće se pomeraju prednji zubi, a tretman obično traje nekoliko meseci.Koriste se za ispravnjanje vrlo blagih teskoba prednjih zuba.

Invisalign - providne folije za ispravljanje zuba


Fixed appliances

Modern concept of orthodontic therapy requires the functionality of  jaws and teeth, as well as the improved aesthetics of smiles and face profiles.

With the use of fixed orthodontic appliances, or as patients commonly call them braces, precise results are obtained in children and adults in the ideal form of dental arches, tooth position and inter-jaw relationship. The final result is a proper oral function, ideal aesthetics of face and smile.

There are fixed appliances with standard arches and factory-bent arches.

In contrast, for the precise achieving the harmony of teeth, jaws and face, the fixed appliance with individually bent arches can be used. Hand-bent arches in that way, tailored to the patient, produce the correct directional orthodontic forces through which the individual therapy is created.

Fiksna proteza - ORTO4U

We use in the therapy :

  • different kinds of brackets (ceramic, metal, coloured brackets, self-aligning ones )
  • improved bonding system
  • advanced arch technology
  • individually bent arches for each patient

We do not use in the therapy:

  • recycled brackets (we just use brackets, rings and wires of the highest quality )

Without hidden expenses:

  • the cost of treatment depends on the kind of problem and the type of appliance that is recommended


Breketi - ORTO4U

Retencioni aparati

Svi pacijenti nose retencione aparate (ritejnere) po završetku tretmana kako bi se rezultati dobijeni aktivnim lečenjem očuvali. Vaš ortodont će odlučiti koji tip aparata je najpogodniji za Vas.

Pokretni ritejneri nose se preko zuba i potrebno je da se ispoštuje puno vreme nošenja, kao i noćno nošenje, a deci savetujemo da ih nose do završetka rasta.Najčešće se se koriste  folije, koje su providne i komforne za nošenje u toku dana i noći-.

Fiksni ritejneri su napravljeni od tanje žice koja je zalepljena na unutrašnjoj strani prednjih zuba. Obično se nose u kombinaciji sa providnim pokretnim ritejnerima.

Radnička 51a

Novi Sad, Serbia


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Mon – Fri 9:00-19:00

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