Deep bite as a result of smaller lower third part of face with a gummy smile (visibility of gums)


A deep bite can be caused by the position of the bones of the lower part of the face which are arranged so that the patient has a described symptom. This can be due to the overgrowth of the upper or lower teeth in the anterior segment of the face, or their overerruption (this is so-called steep bite). With such patients, treatment is focused solely on the orthodontic therapy. Based on the case study, we determine the direction of treatment for the patient.

Why does this patient have a deep bite?

The deep bite, in this case, is due to the smaller lower third of the face, combined with the accentuated overgrowth of the teeth in the upper jaw.

What were the consequences of this deep bite?

At maximum smile, gums were visible. Due to the retraction of the lower jaw, the profile was deficient (insufficiently pronounced).

The aim of treatment ?

Obtaining maximum results within the patient's bony frames.

The results of the treatment:

1) Harmonious teeth ratio of upper and lower jaws
2) At a maximum smile, the gums are no longer visible
3) A visible improvement in face profile has been achieved

Read more about the results achieved with this patient here.


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