For How long will I have to Wear Fixed Appliance ?

Fixed appliance - how long is being worn

Teeth movement happens gradually and in a controlled manner, which is why the orthodontic therapy is relatively long-lasting. The duration of therapy with fixed orthodontic appliances is individual and usually lasts from 12 to 36 months. Patients come to the appliance controls every 4 to 8 weeks, depending on the stage of the treatment, when needed and following the advice of the orthodontist even more often.

What does the Success of the Therapy Depend on ?

The success of the therapy depends on many factors, such as the age of the patient, the severity of the problem, the cooperation of the patient and the orthodontist, but it also depends on the speed of the natural response to the tooth movement.

In addition to good diagnostics, the therapy plan and the expertise of the orthodontist, the important factor is the patient's cooperation in all phases of the therapy, and especially the discipline in the last phase of therapy, i.e. the retention phase.

Maintaining Oral Hygiene during the Therapy

Particular emphasis should be put on maintaining oral hygiene, as the complications due to insufficient and irregular hygiene are numerous. It is also necessary to follow nutrition and behavioral advice when wearing a fixed appliance. Tooth decay or soft tissue problem is not caused by wearing a fixed denture, but by poor oral hygiene during the orthodontic treatment.

Good cooperation with the orthodontists, regular dental health checks, following the given advice and commitment to the course of the  treatment by the patient, reduces the time of the treatment at the optimal period of time in order to achieve targeted results.

Wearing fixed orthodontic appliances in the most complicated cases or in persistent hereditary skeletal anomalies is the most time consuming.


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