Crowding – How can a fixed appliance and healthy teeth extraction obtain you a nicer smile?– ORTO4U

Straightening the teeth with fixed appliances requires detailed and precise testing, which most often indicates the inability to position the teeth in the available space of the jaw (the so-called crowding), while a nicer smile is the result of proper long-term treatment and comes at the end.

Extensive testing is required to diagnose crowding. They indicate the inability to position the teeth in the available space of the jaws without extracting certain teeth. Because the jaw bone has its limits, treating the real crowding without the teeth extraction procedure would result in the expansion of the dental arrays beyond the bone base. Such therapy would certainly threaten recurrence (restoration of the teeth to the earlier positions) and impaired facial harmony.

The most common question we get from patients when we diagnose crowding is:

Is it necessary for me to extract healthy teeth?

Extraction of certain permanent teeth in the treatment of real crowding is imperative to the success of the orthodontic therapy, and the benefit to the patient is multiple. The ultimate result is a functional and aesthetic alignment of the teeth - in relation to each other and to the bone base. In this way, the harmony of the soft tissues of the face is achieved and the appearance of the patient's profile is improved.


In addition to the alignment of the teeth in relation to each other and to the bone base, the harmony of the soft tissues of the face and the appearance of the profile is also obvious.


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